D script for team ARORIKS

Hacking Rubik's.......!

Infiltrating all user information......!

Rubika's manager is hacked.....!

Causing disruption in Rubika's servers.......!


Hacking activities in Iranian applications

Cyber ​​alliance to disrupt Iranian applications, including (Rubica)

The main purpose of the alliance is to disrupt the Rubik's application

These disorders include:

@SupportBot = Disrupting the Rubika support bot and intruding and disabling this bot

And publishing phishing pages on Rubika @Netreport = disable

and disabling services related to this site https://rubika.ir = DDOS site

Sending all kinds of malware to Rubika users

Sending malicious and virus files in Rubika


The way to enter the union

The main task of our alliance is to disable the Rubika application, and if you want to participate in this alliance, send us your information.


The main task of our alliance is to disable the Rubika application, and if you want to participate in this alliance, send us your information.

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